Church Of The Chimes

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John Chapter 1

In the Old Testament, lambs were used as sacrifices to repent for the sins of man.

In the New Testament, Jesus, Son of God, becomes that sacrificial lamb for all of humanity.

He willfully sacrifices Himself as atonement for our sins.  Imagine Jesus the Messiah, Son of God, coming to earth to live amongst us in a fallen sinful world.  He showed us all that salvation was available to us through His grace, only if we are willing to receive it.

What kind of king is this?  One who was able to endure all the pain, hardships, torture, unjust treatment while here on earth, while showing us love, grace, forgiveness, kindness.  Through Him we could receive eternal life with God.

Jesus didn't live a perfect life, while here on earth, but he lived a sinless life.  It often makes me think of that saying "what would Jesus do?" whenever I face any kind of adversity in my life.  Although I fall short of the high standards set by Jesus, it forces me to make better decisions than I would've made without Jesus.