Church Of The Chimes

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Hebrews Chapter 6

In Hebrews 6, we as Christians, along with readers of the first century AD are urged to move beyond basic teachings about Christ and grow our faith as a plant would put down deep roots. As explained here in Hebrews 6, growth requires trust in God’s promise and oath fulfilled through Jesus and requires endurance to the end of our lives.   At that point, we have the hope that Jesus, our Savior, has gone before us into heaven where he waits for us at the end and opens the curtain of heaven for us.

How can we exercise our faith and strengthen our endurance according to this chapter?  According to verse 3, we must move forward to further understandings.  This can occur by the study of God’s Word and by deepening our relationship with God through prayer.   For me, being involved as an adult in a Bible study was life-transforming and increased my faith.  Before I began a series of Bible studies, my understanding of faith and a relationship with God was basic but had not progressed from when I was a child.  Studying God’s Word gave me a knowledge and confidence in God so that I could pray and feel a closer relationship to God.  It all started with Bible study as an adult.

In verse 10, we also deepen our faith and love for God by caring for others as long as our life lasts. For me, caring for my immediate biological family was just part of my DNA growing up and therefore at a fundamental level of faith and care.  But God also challenges us to move to a further understanding in our ability to care beyond the basics of our family.  For me this year, the challenge has prompted me to serve in our church’s homeless ministry which I had never considered in the past.  Sometimes, God stretches us in unexpected ways that don’t seem comfortable at first, like the homeless ministry was for me.  But with faith, God gives us love and endurance in each season of serving.  He makes us grow past the faith fundamentals to a new level.