Church Of The Chimes

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Hebrews Chapter 10

Encouragement is such a powerful motivator and it can change the course of our day or our life.  Those people who helped motivate me throughout my life, also believed in me and cared about my welfare. 

In Hebrews 24-25, we are told to put our mind to motivating others in their Christian walk and to encourage one another.  By doing so we hope to create a thirst in them “toward love and good deeds.” By showing concern and attentiveness to others believers, not only are we strengthening our personal relationships, but the entire Church will benefit as a result. Others on the outside may see how much we care about each other and want to be part of the Church.

 One of the highlights of my week is meeting with my fellow believers after church and in Life Group. Sometimes our conversations stay shallow.  At other times, Christian fellowship takes place when we exchange encouragement, confess wrongdoing, expose our weaknesses and pray for each other. Those meaningful conversations become more common as time goes on with trusted Christian friends. Most of us want to share our burdens, not be judged and still be loved. 

Encouragement means prompting others to do their utmost to love God and serve others. Let’s be encouraged then to go out and be the encouragers of others!