Church Of The Chimes

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Luke Chapter 1

Doubt interferes with our faith and the kind of life God wants us to have. Yet doubt is something us Christians are familiar with, even mature ones. Doubt causes us to make poor choices instead of relying on God’s promises. We might take things into our own hands, not wanting to wait for God’s timing. Shouldn’t we pray that we may receive wisdom and patience? 

In the Gospel of Luke, we find the angel Gabriel announcing to Zechariah and Mary that they both will be having sons. Zechariah asks, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” Mary responded, “How will this be, I am a virgin?” With her solid faith, Mary believed God would accomplish what He intended.  

As a result of Zechariah’s doubt, he was punished and made mute. Shouldn’t he have rejoiced at this birth announcement as he had prayed many years for having a son? As a priest, he too was aware that God could give Sarah and Abraham a son even at an old age.

So you may have said to yourself, "I wish I could believe and not have doubts."  Doubting is common among us. What can we do to feed our faith and beat back the enemy?  Romans 10:17 tells us “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” 

God’s word is food for our soul and what we need to keep our spirit strong. Are the people who we spend time with strengthening or weakening our faith? 

Are we more like Zechariah or Mary regarding our faith? We should admit our shortcomings and strive to be more like Mary in her faith.