Church Of The Chimes

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Acts Chapter 8

I like Phillip.   He is an example of a spirit-led, obedient follower of Jesus who listens to God.  As persecution increased, the disciples and other followers of Jesus began to scatter and Phillip found himself proclaiming Jesus to two unlikely audiences.

Upon leaving Jerusalem, Phillip lands in the city of Samaria. The Samaritans were a group of racially mixed people, partly Jewish and partly Gentile.  They were reviled by both Jews and non-Jews alike but led by the Holy Spirit, Phillip didn’t avoid them.  He found crowds eager to hear his teaching about Jesus the Messiah.  His words were confirmed by miracles of healing and ‘ there was much joy in that city.’

Philip is full of trust and abandonment to God.  An angel of the Lord directs Phillip to go and he goes.  More specifically  “go over and join this chariot”.  Phillip goes.  When the invitation to jump in the chariot is given, Phillip doesn’t hesitate.  He explains to the eunuch how Jesus fulfills the passage in Isaiah, the eunuch believes and is baptized. Then the Spirit of the Lord miraculously carries Phillip off to his next assignment!

Phillip was listening and poised to obey God’s voice.  He was ready for God-directed adventure in his life. I think Phillips demeanor must have been humble, welcoming and gentle.  The Samaritans listened to him and the eunuch invited him into his chariot.

My prayer is to slow down, listen and respond to God with a yes. And may God remind me to be humble and gentle with the people he brings across my path everyday.