Church Of The Chimes

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Acts Chapter 13

Verse 3 “So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.”

I can picture the young church of Antioch gathered together on a Sunday morning! This will be the first time in the history of the church that they will be officially sending out missionaries and supporting them. There is such excitement in the air as they talk about what the process should look like and who will do what.  The pastor calls Paul and Barnabas to the front of the church.  The pastor then invites up their families and friends to lay hands on them.  He prays for their mission trip.  Amen.  Everyone claps and cheers.  Paul is a little embarrassed over the commotion but Barnabas is excited.  After church they have a big lunch and many of their friends come pray over them personally.  After lunch the little church of Antioch walks to the edge of town with Paul and Barnabas.   

In 2008 I went on my first adult mission trip to Cuba.  There were a lot of unknowns and I was pretty excited and nervous.  I know that having my bestie, Katie Vorreiter there made all the difference.  We were more like Lucy and Ethel then Paul and Barnabas.  But together we saw miracles, mingled with the locals planting seeds and grew closer to God threw the experience.