Church Of The Chimes

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2 Corinthians Chapter 2

Many years ago I worked in an office with about 20 other people.  I really enjoyed the people I worked with and felt that they enjoyed working with me as well.  So that is why I was puzzled when week after week a group of co-workers would go out for “happy hour” on Fridays.  Finally, I worked up enough nerve to ask one of the gals why they never had invited me to join them?  Much to my surprise she said to me, “ Well we know you’re a Christian and we didn’t think you would want to come with us.” I laughed!  I had made up all of these stories in my head of why they didn’t want me to join them but NEVER did I guess that would have been the reason!  

I went from disappointed to thrilled!  I had recommitted my life to the Lord about 6 months prior to this but never stopped to think about the ripple effect of my walk.

In verses 15 and 16 Paul talks about being the aroma of Christ.  Praise God it was my aroma that set me apart in my co-workers mind from worldly activities.  You just never really know who will be affected by your personal relationship with Jesus