Church Of The Chimes

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Week of 8/25/19 - Pages 52 - 65

A God Who Sees Us

After seven years of Israel being under the thumb of the Midianites, they cried out for God’s help. As a response, the Lord called Gideon to save Israel. At that moment we learn Gideon’s status within Israel’s tribes, his family, and even his view of himself. In verse 15, Gideon could not understand how he could save Israel . He is from the weakest clan of the tribe of Manasseh and the least of his father’s family. One of the most amazing things about God is that He sees us for who we are, apart from the labels placed on us by culture or society. God called Gideon a “mighty man of valor,” which from the outside seemed the furthest from who he was.

The first thing God required of him was to destroy Baal's altar and replace it with one for the Lord. So Gideon did this under the cloak of darkness, out of fear of his family and the people of the city. When discovered the people renamed him Jerubbaal, let Baal defend himself- yet God called him “a mighty man of valor.” Although God has already reassured Gideon he was with him, Gideon asked for confirmation through a sign using fleece, not once but twice. God patiently provided what Gideon needed to continue to move forward. Many would criticize Gideon for this action as a lack of faith, however, I see it as part of  Gideon becoming who he was, “a mighty man of valor.” God goes on to greatly reduce Gideon’s resources to do the very thing God is asking him to do. With a small army of 300, Gideon followed God into battle and defeated the Midianite army of thousands. God was very clear that the victory was His, bringing glory and honor to Himself. Through that process, Gideon became the man God always knew he was.

 When I think of this passage, I'm reminded of who the Bible says we are in the eyes of God, regardless of who others say we are. Our Father, Savior, Creator and Friend says we are sons and daughters of God. (Galatians 3:26) We are part of the body of Christ (1Cor 12:27), a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19), a priesthood, and we are His. (1 Peter 2:9) God sees who we really are.  Like Gideon, as we learn to trust God more and more, we become who we are meant to be, someone who God can use to do great things in His name.