Mark Chapter 13

In Mark 13, a pretty graphic picture is painted of the end of days.  Believers arrested, flogged, deceived.  False prophets, some of whom can even perform signs and miracles to impress the population at large.  The environment itself (sun darkened, stars fall from the sky, heavenly bodies shaken) in complete upheaval.

Over the years, there have been situations that could make you believe that this must be the start of the end (wars, natural disasters, people and countries lied to, mass killings), but life marches on.  I know the big takeaway from this chapter is that no one knows when all this will occur, and that we should live our lives accordingly and be prepared to stand before our God.

A definite reminder to us as we go through our everyday lives, young (relatively), healthy and with what we think is an abundance of life in front of us, that there is no assurance of today, tomorrow, or anything other than Jesus Christ.

But as I went back again and read through the chapter, another thought kept running through my mind.  We look forward to Christ’s coming but not necessarily the trials and tribulations preceding His coming.  To me, it is a parallel to the end of life for most of us.  We should welcome the end of our earthly life because it means we are going to finally be face-to-face with the Father.  But we still dread the thought of dying, fight the end of life on earth and do everything we can to preserve our time here.

There was an elderly lady who occasionally watched our daughters when they were little.  She had never married, had no remaining relatives and scant financial resources, but a love of the Lord.  Yet, when she was on her death bed,  she cried out  “I don’t want to die”.  Reluctant to give up the smaller gratifications of what she knew was presently around her for the  greater reward of eternal life.  Just human nature, I guess. 

Mark Chapter 12

As I read and study Mark 12, I hear a resounding theme of Love being taught by Jesus. Love of the widow for her Lord , that she gave  so much out of so little. Such a humble sacrifice. While the religious leaders questioned  Jesus as to what was the greatest of the commandments, Jesus did not hesitate to reply, "It is love." We are to love the Lord God with all our hearts, our souls, our mind and all of our strength. He was stressing complete love. He also included our neighbors (I am assuming all people we come into contact with) were to be loved. This makes me so happy to think that right after loving the Lord he includes his children. He has made us in his image and likeness so that, in and of  itself is reason enough to heed his guidance. I recall the passage where it says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and make up a family. He must be so honored when he sees this behavior from us. Just like me, a mother, when I see my children respecting and loving one another. So, it was no wonder this chapter in Mark left me with hope, that love when practiced at all times will win out and honor Jesus as we cling to his teachings.

Mark Chapter 11

Mark 11:24 - "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours."

 Pondering this passage, one might think that this statement by Jesus states that if you pray for anything, you will receive it at some point in the near or possible distant future.  However, often times our prayers aren't answered the way we ask them to be and therefore we question this kind of declaration.  Perhaps, it's Jesus wanting us to not only practice our prayer life, but to recognize that in the moment of that prayerful time, we find peace and contentment in the notion of our confidence in God's ability to accomplish all things possible with an incredible level of ease no matter how difficult the request is.

When God does answer our prayers, they are free gifts of mercy because it was Jesus that died for our sins and that sacrifice by our Lord,  laid the foundation for us which allowed us to ask in prayer for things, but ultimately, it's always God's will.

God just wants us to direct all things to him and he looks for our commitment to do so, which means being consistent and obedient in our attempts to be whole with him. We are all sinners and as such, he forgives us, but I believe what he wants more than anything, is for us to pray for things that are in alignment with God's will and then by believing that you will receive it, the understanding is, it will be yours.

Mark Chapter 10

In Mark 10, Jesus and his disciples were walking to Jerusalem for the last time as Jesus told them about his impending death but also of the third day when he would rise from the dead.   

In the comments from his disciples that followed in this chapter, surprisingly to me, the disciples raised no questions, sympathy, or denial of the plan Jesus laid out.  Instead, James and John, two of Jesus’s disciples who had followed Jesus for years and still addressed Jesus as “Teacher”—not as Lord or Master--  took this opportunity to seek  a position for themselves.   Jesus listened to their request though they did not seek something they needed and the request itself seemed untimely and inappropriate.  Nevertheless, Jesus used this situation to respond patiently and challenge them in their faith when he asked them if they knew what their request meant because they would “drink the cup and be baptized as Jesus would.”  Jesus gave them the gift of understanding what lay ahead for them though may have been disappointed by not receiving what they had asked for. 

The petition by James and John was juxtaposed with another petition later in the chapter as Jesus and his disciples encountered a blind man who also wanted something from Jesus.   Jesus also patiently asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” just as Jesus had asked James and John.  The blind addressed Jesus as his “Master” and asked for his sight—something the blind man needed and trusted the Master could perform.

Jesus’s response to the blind man was restoration of eyesight because the man’s “faith had made him well.”  Interestingly to me, the blind man had not followed Jesus for three years as James and John had done but knew who Jesus was and how to petition Jesus in faith.  He followed Jesus after that in faith even though the blind man did not know the journey ahead. 

Over my lifetime, I have prayed many different prayers—some for specific outcomes and some for help and guidance.  In looking back, my prayer requests at times were likely as those of James and John  where I was seeking something not needed or I did not understand what I was asking for and may not have asked in faith trusting that Jesus was truly my Master and cared for me and my needs.  

When Jesus responded to James’s and John’s requests, he strengthened their faith so that they could stay faithful until their deaths to the One who had become their Master and Lord.  Jesus response to the blind man also strengthened his faith so that he could follow Jesus.

These two stories emphasized to me that God knows how to respond to our prayers and petitions to strengthen our faith regardless of how or what we ask for.  My prayer requests do not have to be for specific outcomes or needs because God’s response may be that I don’t know what I am really asking for – as in the case of James and John.  For all occasions, whether for healing or future opportunities, I should ask God in faith for His guidance and direction when I need help and don’t know what to pray for because God knows what I need. 

“Pray at all times in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication.”  Ephesians 6:18

Mark Chapter 9

Jesus tells us in Mark 9 that to be a truly great follower of his we must put everyone else before ourselves.  Jesus says in verse 35, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all”. This sounds so strange and yet this is the essence of the Christian life. It is totally the opposite of what culture and society tell us.  The rallying cry today is “I am number 1!”  However, Scripture tells us to consider others as better than ourselves, to look out for others, to serve others.  This is the way of the cross.

In other words, God is looking for humble people.  Micah 6:8 says, “What does the Lord require of you but to walk humbly with your God.”  Luke 14:11; 18:14, our Lord says, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”  That is a basic spiritual principle.  Ephesians 4:1 and 2  we are told to “Walk with all humility.”  Colossians 3:12, says “Put on a heart of humility.”  James 4:6 says, “God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.”  Verse 10 “Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you.”

Jesus goes on in Mark 9 verse 37 to give us an example of what this looks like.   He takes a child and lifts him.  In Jesus’ time, children were maybe not even seen and certainly not heard, because they were considered to be the lowest of society, not real people yet, just children.  Yet Jesus serves the child and welcomes him.

Mark 9 verse 37 says, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”  What Jesus is saying is profound.  He is saying that whatever we do in his name and whatever we do for him including all our acts of service, it is as if we are serving Jesus himself!   When we serve others like this child or someone who needs our help, it’s as if we’re serving our Lord. We are welcoming Jesus, and in addition when we welcome Jesus, we welcome the one who sent Jesus - God the Father himself.  Let us serve the Lord with humility.

Mark Chapter 8

Our God is patient. Incredibly patient. Our God is compassionate. Amazingly compassionate.

Mark 8 is a colorful, emotional commentary – it is a window into Jesus’ and the Twelve’s life together. Much time in the text is dedicated to conveying the lack of understanding – or perhaps doubt – of the disciples. Although the Twelve had witnessed an abundance of miracles, they struggled to comprehend the true identity and mission of Jesus. This comes through clearly in Jesus’ appeal to the disciples in Mark 8:21:

“Don’t you understand yet?”

Of course, Jesus knew they did not yet understand. For me, painfully transparent passages like this demonstrate the veracity and authenticity of the Scriptures. At best, the disciples come across as memory-challenged companions unable to grasp the enormity of what is happening before their very eyes. These were relatable, common men, experiencing extraordinary times.

What would I have thought, had I lived at that time? It is enjoyable to read this chapter “expressively” to emphasize the density of the disciples and the exasperation of Jesus. However, I’m not sure that such an expressive interpretation is appropriate in the circumstances. Would any of us have been more perceptive than the disciples at that time? I seriously doubt it!

Jesus patiently waited on His disciples to understand Him. He knew they needed more time with Him. Their comprehension of the meaning of the “Messiah” was immature. Simply put, they needed to know Jesus better. I wonder how often Jesus is waiting on me to just “come on” and know Him better. I’m guessing the answer is “always” – that’s how often He is waiting on me.

When Jesus knew the time was finally right, He engaged the disciples in one of the most powerful exchanges in Scripture (Mark 8:27-29):

27 Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. As they were walking along, he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”

28 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the other prophets.”

29 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”

The emphasis on “YOU” in Mark 8:29 is unmistakable. Jesus is directly asking a very, very personal question. The answer could change everything for the disciples – and it did. Peter, as spokesman for the disciples said (v.29), “You are the Messiah.” Yes! They finally got it!

What is your answer to Jesus’ question, “But who do you say I am?” Jesus, full of compassion, is waiting patiently for your answer.

Mark Chapter 7

After reading Mark 7 today,  I was reminded of what I had been led to believe about being a “good” Christian.  For a long time I embraced the idea (or mis-idea) that being a Christian meant to demonstrate to others through DOING church work, getting involved in as many church related activities as possible, attending services regularly, serving on boards and committees, spending as much time in church activities as possible, etc.  Rather it is a matter of BEING than DOING. BEING  in Christ, abiding in Him, connected to the vine, spending time with Him, submitting to the Holy Spirit and listening .   Doing church work is not wrong, and it does bring a certain amount of satisfaction as long as it is done to please and honor God.  Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13…”these people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me…”  He went on and said… “what comes out of men’s heart…” 

My prayer is that the Holy Spirit continues to break down the barriers of “mis beliefs”, those barriers, walls, fortresses within me that prevent me from hearing and discerning what He says rather than keeping me trapped in the traditions made by man.

“Holy Spirit, search me and know my heart… test me and know my anxious thoughts…see if there be an offensive (barriers, fortresses, walls) way in me…”

Mark Chapter 6

 March 6 is filled with rich accounts, starting with the people of Nazareth expressing contempt for “this Jesus” who seemed to be walking far above the stature from what the locals knew of him.  Immediately next is the description of how John the Baptist was beheaded, followed by the accounts of Jesus feeding 5,000+ people with five loaves of bread and two fish, and finally, Jesus calms the storm by speaking to the sea. I really struggled to discern what to focus on, so rich are all of these accounts, but what rises to the top is the concept of mental purity.

To explain, today I am visiting my mother in South Dakota and I attended the local Episcopal Church service.  In the Book of Common Prayer there is a Collect for Purity that we recited today:  “Almighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord.  Amen.”

Reading Mark 6 from the backdrop of this Collect for Purity, I ask myself, were the people who were “offended” (verse 3) at Jesus’ speaking with power and wisdom – had they at first consecrated their hearts to God?  Were “no secrets hidden” from the Lord?  Did they harbor no hidden pride, stinginess or small-mindedness?  How about me as I walk daily with the Lord?  Do I truly lay down my “hidden” agenda from Him?  Do I daily ask Him to cleanse the thoughts of my heart? 

The account of how John the Baptist was beheaded (verses 14-29) is rife with Herodias’ hidden agenda, selfishness and a desire to maintain the favor of King Herod with whom she was having an affair, even going through her own daughter to secure the execution of John the Baptist.  While most of our hidden agendas don’t have such outrageous results, how damaging they must be nevertheless as they remain hidden in our hearts, even festering until they find their release in some way that might surprise even us. 

Continuing in Mark 6, verses 30-44, the account of how Jesus feeds the 5,000+ people began with the disciples asking Jesus to “send the people away” for they had little, if anything, to eat.  Jesus did not address the state of their hearts but only showed them how the Father can multiply our meager supply with His supernatural supply.  As the disciples passed out the bread and the fish, it must have been astonishing to them how the elements multiplied over and over again in their very hands!  When had such a thing ever happened before?  You might think they would never forget it.  Yet, verse 52 says, “For they considered not the miracle of the loaves…for their hearts were hardened (calloused).”

Am I so different from them?  Does not the Lord provide for me over and over, and each time, while I’m grateful, I have a tendency to forget how His mercies are new to me every day.  Cleanse my thoughts, Lord, and help me to have a pure heart.  Let no secrets be hidden, but help me to more perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy Name, through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Mark Chapter 5

In the text of this chapter verse 17 keeps playing back in my mind, “the people began to plead with Jesus to leave the region”.  After witnessing Jesus’s miraculous powers as he cured one man who had been a nuisance and maybe even a threat to the community, why did they beg him to leave the region?  Could it be that most of the people in the region of the Gerasenes were very comfortable and secure…that they were not worried about where they would sleep, where their next meal was coming from or their family’s safety?  Could it be that the security for some of them or maybe many of them came from things like that heard of 2,000 pigs that had been destroyed?  Could it be that while curing a plagued man who they had learned how to somewhat manage was amazing, it came at a perceived heavy price (the loss of 2,000 perfectly healthy pigs equaling maybe 40,000 meals – and maybe an infinite number of meals if you factored in the pigs natural reproduction)?  Could it be that it is really hard for very comfortable people to value Jesus or to have the same values as Jesus?  Could it be that it is very hard for me to value Jesus or have the same values as Jesus? 

As the chapter continues desperate people like the bleeding women or Jairus who had a daughter who was dying flocked to Jesus because they had no other options and he was their only hope.  Could it be that is why in other places in the bible it says things like “consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds”?  Could it be that trials and challenges create the desperation in me that is necessary for me to come to Jesus…to need Jesus…to seek out Jesus…to value Jesus…to adopt the same values as Jesus?  Wow, this chapter made me think.

Mark Chapter 4

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.  Do any of you remember that Sunday school definition of parables?  I don’t recall when I first heard it, but it has always stuck with me and I find it helpful.  Jesus teaches in parables to help us understand the kingdom of God.  He also speaks in parables to fulfill scripture, and Mark chapter 4 is full of parables.

The parable that stands out to me in this chapter is the parable of the growing seed.  The farmer scatters seed, and then he does nothing.  As if almost by magic, the seed sprouts and grows and the earth produces its crop.  A leaf pushes through the ground, heads of wheat form and then the grain ripens.  Then it’s harvest time and the farmer comes in to finish the job, but he doesn’t understand how it all happened.

The New Testament Challenge is similar to this parable to me.  We are like the farmer.  Our job is to scatter seed, the Word of God, and then watch what happens.  As we read scripture with our friends, the Word takes root and begins to sprout and grow.  We don’t understand how it happens, or make it happen.  We just scatter, which doesn’t sound like an overly precise or strategic effort.

Then the grain ripens and it is harvest time.  What started as a seed is now a useful food.  Lives are changed.  People are healed.  The kingdom of God grows, and it all started by just scattering seed.

In this New Testament Challenge, we are scattering seed amongst our family, friends and colleagues.  This parable reminds me that we don’t have to convince, coerce or persuade people into the faith.  Our job is to just invite them to read the Word along with us, and share our thoughts about scripture.  The Holy Spirit will bring about the fruit.  Please pray that God brings about an abundant harvest from all the seeds we are scattering through the New Testament Challenge.