High School Ministry
Higher Ground is designed and built specifically for high school students. We meet students where they are in their faith journey and equip them to become world changers for Jesus. Through our weekly gatherings, students develop strong friendships, learn about who God is, and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We learn a lot, and have crazy fun doing it. Come check it out!
Wednesdays: 7-8:30pm in THE LIGHTHOUSE
Donuts and Devos: 3rd Sunday 9:30am (in THE LIGHTHOUSE- beginning September 2024)
Worship begins at 10am
Middle School Ministry
We meet Wednesday nights in THE LIGHTHOUSE! We are about having fun and being a safe community to bring your friends while learning about Jesus and why He matters.
Wednesdays: 7-8:30pm (LIGHTHOUSE)
Donuts and Devos: 3rd Sunday 9:30am (in
THE LIGHTHOUSE - beginning September 2024)
Worship begins at 10am