Titus Chapter 1

Reading Titus 1 in my Bible, the first bold headline is “Appointing Elders Who Love What Is Good.” So I stopped and looked up our elders on our website just to be sure I wasn’t overlooking any in my mind. And I can say I know, love, and trust each and every one of them! And they do love what is good! They don’t take shortcuts or do what is easy or seek man’s approval. They seek after God and His good and perfect will. The interactions I have with them are sweet and caring. And I am so grateful!

Sadly, it is not always that way in the church. I’m part of a Facebook youth pastors’ group and the things I read are discouraging at times with the lack of support other staff people receive in their churches. Making it a hard and lonely walk in ministry. 

But if you are part of Church of the Chimes, be encouraged! Our elders hold fast to verses 5–9! And they do operate as the managers of God’s household and know they answer to Him. We are blessed!