3 John

 3 John is a testimony to hospitality and a reminder how valuable it is when spreading the gospel. How much more inviting is a testimony that comes in the form of a warm and loving person. Here John, addresses his good friend Gaius, who's friendship seems to have sprung out of their belief in God. Rather than bark orders, John wishes him well and encourages him as he recognizes that he is walking in the truth and how elated it makes him to see this as he calls them his children. As warming as this is, for me it shone the light on my own children who's walk is weak at best. However I never quit praying that soon I may too may be able to realize this joy. I have surrendered this to God. (not easy)  John expresses how important it is to send the brothers out with support and good feelings. This he feels will create a cohesive relationship and allow things to flow more easily. Diotrephes however, shows resistance to the brothers. He also partakes in  gossip about them, all of which John will address soon. Although Paul wrote to the brothers, he knows that this message is way too important and wants to gather them together in a Godly manner and continue to encourage them. Let us all examine our hospitality level and ask the Lord to give us the courage to ramp it up. May we take the time to meet together as John did an encourage one another by way of the spirit.