Revelation Chapter 11

This chapter is a reminder of God’s power and supremacy over darkness and evil. In the mists of the holy city being trampled, God called two witnesses to proclaim his Word to all the nations. He gave them awesome powers that were used to protect themselves. When their testimony was complete, they were killed. The people of the world celebrated their demise because the message of God tormented them. After three and a half days, God resurrected the witnesses and took them to heaven in front of the world. 

One of the most comforting aspects of the chapters like this is that God’s Word will continue to be proclaimed no matter what is happening in this world. Even in situations where it seems like the darkness has swallowed the light, and those far from God seem to rejoice over the suffering of His people.  Their victory is a façade, God is sovereign, and nothing will prevail against the Kingdom of God.