Revelation Chapter 17

The rich imagery of the book of Revelations is something I have yet to fully delve into and understand.  In the meantime, we know that all Scripture is beneficial for teaching, reproving and setting things straight.  Even with my limited understanding of the book of Revelations, the Holy Spirit revealed a big truth from my own life.

The Harlot

I remember the first time I realized I was “playing the harlot” and it shocked me at the time.  There are many ways to play the harlot, and most of them have nothing to do with sexual immorality.  For me, it was a high-tech company in the Bay Area that seemed to be providing me with everything I needed.  They gave me ample compensation, matched my retirement fund contributions, kept us all healthy through medical insurance, paid me for time off whenever I needed it.  They even provided a free campground for my extended family to vacation at every summer.  I began to think of this company as a sort of provider for my families’ needs – and that is where I was playing the harlot.

By enlarging my view of this company, I was taking my eyes and my heart away from God as my true Provider.  They call this “spiritual infidelity” and it is very serious.  What I have learned all these years later is that God has many ways to provide for us.  He rebukes the devourer, for example.  He sometimes makes what we have “never seem to wear out” (Israelites in the desert) – haven’t you experienced that?  He brings us so much contentment and peace that our desires are fewer and our rest is greater.  Sometimes he uses a job.  In the end, only God is our Great Provider.  No company, benefactor or inheritance will ever take His place. 

Today, all I want are His Plans, His Thoughts.  By simply asking Him daily what are His Plans, His Thoughts for me, I’m tied securely to Him and free from the bondage of spiritual infidelity to a false provider.