John Chapter 13

A friend of mine recently told me that when he first read the bible he wrote “wow” in his bible every time he read of a miraculous thing Jesus did.  He was amazed!  Looking at this chapter it is miraculous in verse 11 that “Jesus Knew who would betray him” and again talks about the “one who has turned against him in verse 18” and again in verse 21.  It is miraculous in verse 31 that He knew that “the time has come for the Son of Man (Him) to enter into his glory (die)”.   It is miraculous that He knew in verse 33 that the disciples would search for him.  And of course, it is miraculous in verse 38 when He told Peter that “before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me”.  I want to thank my friend for pointing out that healing people, bringing dead people back to life, and His resurrection are not the only miracles that set Jesus apart.

Oh, and if I am trying to hear God speak to me and guide me as I read this chapter, I heard him say “Love each other.  Just as I have loved you.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples”.