Luke Chapter 14

In Luke 14 Jesus teaches us several lessons.  He  is still dealing with the Pharisees who are trying to trap him.  By posing questions to them they are not able to answer,  He skillfully points out that strictly adhering to the law is not the answer.  That doing what was right is.  

He then teaches us that humility is the better way.  That those who are not humble will be embarrassed by their boldness and not receive the greatest reward, but one of simple reciprocity.  

He goes on to teach us not to pass up His invitation to the “Great Banquet in the Kingdom of God”.   What a mistake!  By passing up His invitation, we give up our chance for the biggest reward ever - eternal salvation.  

Finally he teaches us about being a disciple.  At first reading I thought, Wow, how can I ever live up to all those conditions? How can I hate everyone else, yes even my own life?   Then after reading “you must by comparison”, I realized that I didn’t need to hate everyone else, I needed to love Him more.  That’s really all He wants from us.  To love him more!!