Galatians Chapter 1

Paul starts out, in his letter to the Galatians, expressing concern that some people are turning to a word other than The WORD.  Apparently there was a controversy over the Gentile Christians and whether or not they were following the Mosaic Law (circumcision, etc, etc, etc).  Paul reiterates that we are not saved by obedience to a set of external laws.  The law was set up to lead us to Christ, where we are justified by our faith.

Reminds me that some religions hold to the premise that you earn your way in to salvation based on your shopping list of good deeds that you have performed.  How many times have you heard “I’m basically a good guy (gal), am kind to people and don’t commit any major foul deeds, so I think I am solidly on the heaven track”?

Paul says he didn’t consult any man (verse 16) or go to Jerusalem to see those who were the apostles before him (verse 17), but preached the gospel received by revelation from Jesus Christ (verse 10).  Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, as that could prove to be quite a responsibility), we don’t get phone messages/texts/facetimes/personal visits from Christ Himself but we get His message in the New Testament.  We still have valid direction and the ultimate truth of what we should be following and sharing about the good news.   Go share it.