Ephesians Chapter 4

Family can often times be messy.  Family can be such a blessing but it can also feel very painful.  I believe that this is because family members are often the people that we are closest with, so when a brother or sister says something hurtful it cuts deep.  On the other hand when family is done right, it is very rewarding.  It is funny. Some of my best and worst memories are with family. 

One of the things I love about Church of the Chimes is the value that we place on “Life Together”.  We find view church much like that of a family.  We value our time together. We strive to forgive, to be patient, and to love. We walk together in good times and in hard times.  I find great comfort in the fact that we as a community of believers are very intentional about doing things the right way.  Doing things the way we are told to do them in scripture. 

However, I am reminded in this chapter that we need to be intentional and careful to constantly put each other first.  The enemy is looking for any crack to divide.  The enemy will use anything he can to break apart this family. Let’s continue to be intentional so that we can lock arms and be a community of believers that follows and gives God glory as we do “Life Together”.