2 Corinthians Chapter 7

This chapter has so much deep affection from Paul and Titus to the Christians at Corinth, even to say, “You are in our hearts to die and live with you.”  As I read, I thought about the fellowship we have at Church of the Chimes.  The Life Groups, the camping trips, the Sports Camp, the volunteer events we work on together inside and outside of the church, the Bible studies mid-week, the dinners we share, the graduations we celebrate, to name only a few.  In all of these things, we peel back our walk with Jesus Christ and make it visible to others who walk alongside of us.  In doing so, the rest of us are encouraged – I know I am.

I have always seen great and abiding faith among the people at Church of the Chimes.  Daily faith for daily challenges that runs deep and sustains us through every kind of struggle and joy.  Yes, it takes a certain kind of faith to remain on God’s path when everything is going well too, so that we don’t begin to think we somehow caused it all by ourselves.  But as I see people go through the challenges, and especially as I hear their testimonies of how Jesus Christ sustains them through it all, I am deeply encouraged and glad I’m not doing this life alone.  

Paul talks about how Titus was refreshed in his spirit by the people of Corinth.  So too, I am continually refreshed in my spirit by all of you.  As we sing songs like “It is Well”, which includes the beautiful lyrics “Through it all, through it all, my eyes are on You, through it all, through it all, it is well…the waves and wind still know His name.” I feel like I see a panoramic view of eternity.  I know enough of what is happening in the lives of many, not to mention in my own family, and to be able to sing together “It is well” is a victory indeed.

Twelve years ago, as we drove up to the church for the first time (Yes, why do we drive when we live on the corner?) the Lord said to me “You will never outgrow this church.”  As always, He was right.