2 Thessalonians Chapter 3

Is working hard a biblical directive?  Paul wrote about those that were idle among the believers of Thessalonica.  He states in v 10-12, "Work, being productive, is part of God's plan for Christians." Dr. Charles Stanley makes this observation that “Work is not a curse but a gift from God.  The worker who never shows effort, energy, or enthusiasm is not living the godly life God created him for.” 

Paul was adamant about avoiding those Christians who were lazy so as not to model their bad habits to others. He thought that hunger and loneliness were effective in making the idle person become productive. 

How should we as Christians model work?  Paul explained he worked hard as a tent maker to set a good example and not to be a burden to anyone.  In Colossians 3:23, Paul wrote “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men...”

Your job can be a platform God has given you to serve Him. Maintain enthusiasm and be honest in what you do and you will be recognized by others. If you are doing your job for the approval of Jesus, you will also do more than the bare minimum. 

Set your standards high when you are working for the Lord