Colossians Chapter 3

I like the way Paul uses clothing metaphor to describe how believers are to be different from non-believers.  I think of how styles change from season to season, especially women’s clothes, and when a person wishes to express their moods, they select colors or styles that reflect that mood.  It is also said that clothing tells something about that person.  So Paul relates changing or putting on “clothing” that reflect compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience and putting off “clothing” of our earthly nature, some of which are sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed.

I see a major problem in doing so as we get all too used to our “earthly

Nature’ clothing.  Some of our “earthly clothing” may be too comfortable to replace, like an old t-shirt that we worn so long that it has become a favorite, or shirt, or dress that has gotten favorable comments through time.  When we get too comfortable with things, it is difficult to “toss out” or give away to Good Will.  Becoming a “new person” can be uncomfortable.

When we need to feel like a “new person” do we buy new clothes or put on something different or fresh?  Putting on new clothes or fresh clothes really don’t do much if we don’t bathe or shower before!  The real issue in changing into a new man or woman is from the inside-spiritually. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit an real change take place- a process of sanctification-a life long process. II Corinthians 5:16-17 puts it this way: “So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view.  At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view.  How differently we know him now. This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun.”

Colossians Chapter 2

In Colossians 2, Paul urges Christ followers to find all we need in Christ.  At the time of the writing of Colossians 2, some Christians were attempting to follow a strict asceticism, denying themselves food, drink or earthly comforts in an effort to increase their ability to experience unity with God.  While Jesus did refer to periodic fasting as a means to effective prayer (see Mark 9:29), he did not teach His followers to exalt fasting as a means to increase their ability to experience unity with Himself. Instead, it’s our daily walk with Christ, the daily surrender of our will for His will that results in continual fellowship with Him.  To exalt anything other than Christ Himself as a means to unity with Christ is what Paul was warning believers against.

I am reminded of John 15:5 where Jesus states, “I am the Vine, you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  

One of my favorite ways to remain in Christ is through thankfulness.  When things are humming along, when home, health and family are all good, it’s easy to be thankful.  When things are tough, or uncertainty looms, I can give thanks that I serve the One who knows the answer, even when I don’t.  When I feel like I don’t have the time, money or resources to do what I think I need to do, I can be thankful that my heavenly Father owns all things, including time and all treasure.  I remember that He finds many ways to take care of us.  What I know for sure is “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). 

There is nothing we need to add to Christ to experience unity with Christ.  He is completely and utterly sufficient for all of our needs, now and forever. 

Colossians Chapter 1

This is how Colossians starts out: “This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy.”

Isn’t it awesome that Paul knows exactly who he is and what his main purpose is?  How might I introduce myself:  This blog is from Dave, an elder at church of the Chimes, chosen by God to share a sliver of truth about Jesus with you today. 

Here is the sliver that I would like to share.   Did you know that regardless of what ugly things you might have done in the past, today you are viewed by God as holy and blameless!  Yes, God sees you without a single fault!  This is astonishing to me.  Not only are you and me forgiven for our ugly behaviors, thoughts, words, etc.  But God has completely forgotten them and sees us as Holy, pure, righteous, perfect, and faultless.  

This truth has been revealed throughout many of our readings leading up to today in the New Testament challenge.  But today it was revealed again in verse  22 which speaks of how God the father views us today. Here’s what verse 22 says, “Yet now he (God) has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he (God) has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.”

Notice that as described in this verse we did nothing to deserve being viewed like this by God. First of all, it was God the father who reconciled us to himself.  Second of all, it was by virtue of the physical death of God the son (Jesus) who served the sentence for our violations and thereby took away our sins so that we can be seen as blameless.  And third of all, it is God the father who brings us into his presence, we did not approach him.  God did it all.  We did not earn it, and possibly we did not even want it.  But he wanted to be reconciled to us and he wanted to be with us. 

Pretty awesome, huh?  I think we should celebrate!

Philippians Chapter 4

This is a great chapter.  So much encouragement and guidance from Paul – settle your disagreements, rejoice, don’t worry, be grateful, pray about everything, think about excellent things, put into practice everything you saw me (Paul) doing and saying and the God of peace will be with you.  This list doesn’t sound too difficult to do, particularly when things are going well, but what about when life isn’t going well.  How do these verses feel when life is falling apart? Do they encourage you, or make you feel guilty for not putting them into practice?

I love Philippians 4:13.  As a teenager it was one of my favorite verses, but I always thought of it in terms of athletic achievement.  God can give me the strength to win this game, or win this race.  Christ will strengthen me so I can do something great and get the glory.  I’ve seen many professional athletes use this verse for motivation, but it is a misuse of scripture in my opinion.  You can’t separate verse 12 from verse 13:

12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ,who gives me strength.

When Paul says “I can do everything”, everything for him means living through all circumstances we face in life – times of plenty, and times of need.  Paul says he’s learned the secret of living in every situation.  What is that secret?  Christ gives him strength.

When we are in the midst of difficult circumstances it can be hard to believe in the promises of God.  It can be difficult to pray, be grateful, rejoice – to do the things Paul encourages us to do in the beginning of chapter 4.  That is why verses 12 and 13 are so encouraging to me.  Paul writes these lines from experience, from traveling through these circumstances in his life and coming out on the other side.  Paul faced more discouragement, pain, rejection, difficulties and suffering in his life than I will ever face in mine, yet he could write these incredible verses.  He doesn’t say it is easy – just that he knows how to live through every situation.

Paul’s final encouragement to the Philippians and us – fix your thoughts on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and excellent and worthy of praise, then the God of peace will be with you.  God with us, Emmanuel, Jesus – the secret of living in every situation.

Philippians Chapter 3

Philippians 3 NLT - The Priceless Value of Knowing Christ

We have all been there, hoped for a good outcome, hoped for a wonderful dream to come true. We have even gone as far as praying for and hoping, ok negotiating with the Lord that if he would just bless us with…that one thing, all would be grand. The reality is all of these things are just things that we desire for the moment, a temporary fix, because the world tells us we need it, we want it. In reality we were made for more. We should not focus on the physical things rather we should be putting our hope and focus on HIS promises. 

After reading this chapter, I was filled with a sense of Hope. Philippians 3 is filled with valuable truths that we need to hold on too and tuck into our hearts. Here are my takeaways:

No matter what, rejoice in the Lord and it will guard our faith. 

Keep guard and do not fall prey to the ways of the world.

Christ Jesus, is our true treasure.

Let go of the past, it’s a hinderance and gets in the way of God’s works.

Put all Hope and Faith in the Lord, for his ways are righteous and true.

Focus on Him and what he has done, be willing to carry your cross every day.

We are a work in progress.

Don’t look back, keep moving forward, for our day will come to be with Him. 

Verses 18-20 stood out the most because of Paul’s heartfelt plea that we stay on guard and to hold on to our faith. He reminds us to not fall for those who distract us or try to entice us to follow the ways of the world. V.19 says, “They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth.” Paul tells we are not of this world, but are citizens of heaven. Paul loves the Lord and the mission he was commanded to do, so much so that he didn’t allow his circumstance of being in jail stop him from rejoicing in the Lord and sharing the Good News with the Philippians. His words reassure us that we were meant for greater things. This chapter is filled with words that a parent would share with their children, an elder or a mentor would say to a dear friend. It’s a reminder that through Christ we are made new.  It’s a warning to not fall back into our old ways or allowing the past to dictate the way we should be. Rather it a guide for what we should hold on too, the truth that our worth is in Jesus and we should let go of the past. I am filling my heart with the Hope that comes from Christ Jesus, are you?

Philippians Chapter 2

Philippians 2 is all about encouragement!  Starting with Paul encouraging us to have the same attitude of Christ Jesus.  “Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.  Instead he gave up his divine privileges, he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.  When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.  Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Then he encourages us to shine brightly for Christ.  “Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.  For God is working in you giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

Paul was writing to the Philippians from prison probably in Rome and was troubled that he was not able to come himself.  But he cared so much for the believers there that he wanted to make sure they were ok.  So he sent Epaphroditus to them knowing that Epaphroditus who had loved them and had been ill would encourage them and eleviate their concerns about him.  “So I am all the more anxious to send him back to you, for I know you will be glad to see him , and then I will not be so worried about you.”

Be encouraged that Jesus loves us.  He gave his life for us so we would have eternal life with him in heaven.  If that is not encouraging, I don’t know what is!

Be Blessed!

Philippians Chapter 1

How easy it is to be caught up in what doesn’t matter.  I don’t think it is intentional.  We have jobs, kids, and obligations.  Pretty soon life becomes one big “ToDo” list.  

I look at the things that mattered so much to me over the years.  What was I going to wear? Did I really say that? What does that person think of me? I can’t believe they took my parking spot!

I turned 50 this year and it has been kinda magical.  There is a certain perspective that happens when you hit the golden year.  I am finding that all of the little things that once mattered to me don’t anymore.  What a relief! The filter is a little better on what I say. You can have that parking spot I was about to pull into.  I’m wearing comfortable shoes.  Because none of that stuff really matters!

And that brings me to verse 10. “For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.”  That causes my focus to shift from myself here and now to an eternal perspective where I long to hear my Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21.  

Paul’s and my prayer for you - May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation - the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ – for this will bring much glory and praise to God.  v11 (and you!)

Ephesians Chapter 6

Chapter 6 opens with the instruction for children to obey their parents; this is an awesome commandment because it comes with a promise attached.  For parents, it is clear when there is a violation of verse 1.  However, verse 4 is a direct instruction to parents, Fathers (and mothers),do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord, Ephesians 6:4. At times Parents are unaware when they violate the do not exasperate (to cause irritation or annoyance to, to excite the anger) your children instruction from the Lord.

While sitting with my teenaged daughter one evening, she shared with me stories her friends had about their parents.  These stories did not put their parenting in the best light.  Taking a deep breath, I asked the following question, "Do you ever talk about me?"  Her response, "Only when you deserve it." Ouch!  That was a harsh answer.  Putting my pride aside I asked for an example of a time I deserved it.  Unfortunately, it didn't take her long to come up with one.  She said, sometimes I come home in a bad mood, from traffic, work or something else.  I will act grumpy with her even though it has nothing to do with her.  She is right; my behavior is not fair to her.  I don't like it when another adult acts that way toward me, it is not ok for me to mistreat her.  As a mother, sometimes I miss parenting fail moments.  I'm thankful my daughter is at an age where she can articulate her feelings.  It saddens me to think of the moments my actions caused discouragement or anger when she was too young to verbalize it.

There are biblical examples of parents misbehaving in ways that lead to disastrous family dynamics, Rebekah and Isaac pitting their twin sons against each other or Jacob's favoritism of Joseph over all of his other children.  Yes, God did work all things together for His good.  These parenting examples are not ones we'd like to follow. 

 As modern-day well-meaning parents, we can provoke our children to anger and discouragement in ways that are not as obvious to us.  The following behavior can negatively affect our relationship with our children.  Having a double standard can be infuriating to children.  If a snack before dinner is not allowed for them, then it is not approved for us.  If we expect our kids to listen to what we say, we should hear them out, avoiding the temptation to interrupt.  When disciple is needed the consequence should be in proportion to the action.  For example, if a child doesn't make their bed one morning because they were playing a video game.  Restricting gameplay for a month is not proportional.  Comparison to others and constant criticism can make a child believe they are not good enough.  Finally, withholding loving actions when they misbehave, can send the message love is conditional. 

Being a parent is a blessing that comes with great responsibility. As seriously as we take the verse that commands children to obey parents, we should be careful not to anger our children.  If you find that you have blown it, ask your child for forgiveness.  Their relationship with us can help or hinder the relationship with their heavenly Father.  Parents, who they can see, demonstrating humility, unconditional love, consistency, mercy, and patience will help them enter a trusting relationship with a God they can not see.

Ephesians Chapter 5

Today's chapter can be summed up into 4 parts which we will dive into. Walk in love; Walk in light; Walk in wisdom and Marriage/Christ and the church.

Walk in love.

Imagine all the things in this world that would change if we simply walked in love? Go ahead and take a moment and reflect on this…

Famine would be erased because people would share their food and water. War would be a thing of history because love always puts the other first and keeps no records of wrongs. Homelessness would be eradicated, human trafficking erased and much of the suffering in this world would be alleviated. 

We are called by God to walk in this radical love, even when it's not reciprocated or when it's hard to give. Love should be the fruit of our existence.

Walk in light

Light is beautiful, light is truth, and the light will set us free. What areas of your life need the exposure of the light of Gods grace? 

At first, light in a dark room will be bright and can cause some pain, however, freedom is found in the light. 

We are called to be messengers of light, how might God use you to shine the light in some dark places?  Ponder this for a moment in light of love and Gods grace.

Walk in wisdom

We are warned in the scripture that the day in which we live gravitates towards evil. That human nature loves sin and brings with it much destruction and ultimately leads to death. 

Wisdom is the power from God to understand right and wrong and to follow truth. Wisdom comes from God, but we must choose it. It's a daily decision to trust God, to throw off foolish ways and to be filled with the Spirit. The promise is that walking in wisdom will bring great joy and happiness, and a heart that sings songs to the Lord. 

What decisions are you facing today that require Gods wisdom? 

Marriage/Christ and the church

In our individualistic culture, submission is often seen as a weakness. However, God paints a different picture and says that submission in love actually brings freedom. 

Submission to God acknowledges that He is all powerful, all knowing and in total control. It is the antidote to worry and fear.

Husbands and wives submitting and loving each other in this tandem waltz, brings a deeper love and a profound sense of security. It defuses the falsehood of individualism and when God is placed in the center of the relationship, the scripture says this cord of three strands, cannot be broken.

Christ demonstrated this on the cross when He laid down His life for His bride… the church. Because of this, we as believers now have eternal life, a relationship with God and the gift of the Holy Spirit who now resides in us. 


With joy today, submit to God the areas of your life that you’ve been holding onto. Take time to mend broken relationships and enjoy the freedom that comes from obedience.

Ephesians Chapter 4

Family can often times be messy.  Family can be such a blessing but it can also feel very painful.  I believe that this is because family members are often the people that we are closest with, so when a brother or sister says something hurtful it cuts deep.  On the other hand when family is done right, it is very rewarding.  It is funny. Some of my best and worst memories are with family. 

One of the things I love about Church of the Chimes is the value that we place on “Life Together”.  We find view church much like that of a family.  We value our time together. We strive to forgive, to be patient, and to love. We walk together in good times and in hard times.  I find great comfort in the fact that we as a community of believers are very intentional about doing things the right way.  Doing things the way we are told to do them in scripture. 

However, I am reminded in this chapter that we need to be intentional and careful to constantly put each other first.  The enemy is looking for any crack to divide.  The enemy will use anything he can to break apart this family. Let’s continue to be intentional so that we can lock arms and be a community of believers that follows and gives God glory as we do “Life Together”.