Revelation Chapter 15

As you read this blog, we are in the middle of the Christmas season.  If you are like me, you are probably enjoying the sights and sounds of the holiday season, going to Christmas parties and indulging far too much in good food.  I love the Christmas story, almost everybody I know loves the story.  Emmanuel, God with us.  Jesus, humble in birth, redeemer of our broken souls, the Messiah. I like this part of God, or as Ricky Bobby said in Talladega Nights, “I like the Christmas Jesus best”.

However, my task is to write about Revelations 15, and this chapter highlights another part of God’s character – His wrath.  This part of God isn’t so popular.  Maybe if I lived in a different place where injustice and cruelty ruled society I would read this chapter with anticipation and hope, but I’m a child of California. I’ve lived a life free from want, persecution and injustice.  Life is pretty good in Cali, so I struggle with the idea of God’s wrath.

As I’ve grown older, God has opened my eyes to see and care about the injustice, cruelty and deep sin that reigns across the globe.  We live in a broken world full of broken people, and it needs to be set right.  As I read Revelations 15, I get a sense that God’s wrath is not just punishment, rather it is more about setting all things right.  In the song of Moses in this chapter we read “Great and marvelous are your works, O Lord God, the Almighty.  Just and true are your ways,O King of the nations.”  Just as God’s humility and mercy as seen in the Christmas story are beyond anything I can imagine, so are his justice and wrath.  He is just, He is true, and I can trust that his wrath is needed and fair.

At the end of the chapter we read that no one could enter temple until the angels completed their work.  The time of intercession was over, and the time of God’s wrath was at hand. It is important for me to remember that this time is coming.  I can’t just live in the Christmas season.  Or as Pastor Lee recently said in a sermon, we need to give Jesus more than just our gifts (gratitude for saving us), we need to cast him our crowns (authority over our lives).  Revelation 15 helps to move me in this direction because He alone is Holy, and His ways are just and true.

Revelation Chapter 14

Have you ever stood at the cliff edge of the ocean, on a stormy winter’s evening? It’s barely lit or dark, misty and loud, with strong waves crashing below. Standing on the cliff edge makes me feel like I might be swallowed up by the ocean. It makes me feel very small and a bit nervous. The ocean is so loud, strong and powerful.  We are told in verse 2 that on the day of the Lambs return the sounds are like the roar of the mighty ocean or rolling loud thunder or many harpist playing together. I imagine it being so loud because so many are present at the gathering. I like that verse 3 says that a great choir sang before the throne of God. It’s a celebration for all that are coming home.  This warms my heart because as the scripture says Jesus will returned to take those who belong to him home. John 14:3 says, “When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”

This chapter is foretelling of what I believe it will be like when Jesus returns to take us home and we stand before the throne of God on the day of judgement. I must admit I have never read Revelation before and this chapter has been so eye opening for me. What stood out to me is knowing the difference between a seal and a mark, because in the end it’s what will differentiate us and signify where we belong. 

Verse 1 tells us “Then I saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.” It’s comforting to know, that as promised, Jesus is with us from the beginning to the end. Even more comforting is that he has placed his seal on us, so that we will be identified and it will be known that we belong to him. 

The definition of a seal is to confirm or make secure, join two things together so as to prevent them from coming apart or to prevent anything from passing between them; References to the “King putting his seal of authenticity”; an engraved, a confirmation or a guarantee of something. I love it, because our assurance is Jesus. The definition of a mark is a boundary land such as a line, target, goal or object; References to a line, figure, or symbol made as an indication or record of something. Target, a person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of. Not surprising, since Satan is tricky and a deceiver to all. This really brings to light the term, “Your identity in Christ.” Reflecting on this passage I think that our distinction is the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Mark 1:10 tells us that on the day that Jesus was baptized, “As Jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens splitting apart and the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove.” When Jesus appeared to the disciples, John 20:22 says, “And with that he breathed on them and said,“Receive the Holy Spirit.” I am forever grateful that when we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in us. It’s our seal of authenticity from the King.  

Revelation Chapter 13

On first reading of chapter 13 I said to myself.  “What in the world is this all about?”  After referring to a couple of commentaries, I have came to find out that this is what it is believed to mean.

- The Dragon is Satan who gives the beasts his own power and authority.

- The first Beast from the sea with the 7 heads and 10 horns with 10 crowns on the horns represents the Roman Empire.  The heads and horns and crowns represent the Roman Emperors.  Nero is represented by the head that was wounded then healed. (Nero was especially cruel and persecuted the Christians)

- The second Beast from the earth is a false prophet who seeks to deceive the earth so that its inhabitants worship the first beast.

- The 42 months represents the time from the beginning of Christ’s ascension and will conclude with His return.  Thus Satan still rages and his evil will cease at the return of Christ.

- The first beast was allowed to persecute the Christians as they did not worship him. 

- The Christians were the ones who’s names were written in the Book of Life that belongs to the lamb (Jesus).

- The mark on the hand or forehead represented the seal of the Roman Empire.  Just as God sealed those who belonged to him, so did the beast (Roman Empire) seal those who indulged in emperor-worship.

- Down through medieval times it was common to use letters of the alphabet to signify numbers.  The Jews, Greeks and Romans all did this.  So words made up of letters would have a numerical value.  The number 666 represented either Nero or Domitian who during their reigns were especially inhumane and their persecution of Christians was in high gear.

- The reason John referred to the number instead of the name of the ruler was for fear of being charged with treason and the punishment of execution.  He cautiously identifies the man in such a way that knowledgable readers would know exactly who he meant and yet the law would not be able to touch him.

Hopefully this will allow us all a better understanding of what this chapter is telling us.  I know for me it really helped.

Revelation Chapter 12

Verse 10

“For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.”

I have been accused of many things over the years, some of them good, some of them not so much. Some of the things I was accused of were true and some an outright lie. There is nothing quite like being accused of a wrongdoing. When I was younger, I would feel downright sick to my stomach with the knowledge that I had done something wrong. Whether it was big or small, I hated getting into trouble. I dreaded the look of disappointment in my parents’ eyes and the lectures that would follow. I hated every bit of it! 

The idea that the devil is standing in front of God rattling off a list of my wrongdoings is probably one of my greatest fears. Not so much that he is ratting me out but that God might believe him and be disappointed in me or worse yet…want nothing to do with me.

I am so grateful that I am covered by the blood of the lamb–FOREVER. The devil will continue to let God know everything that I do wrong. Trying to shake His opinion and love from me. Like a hunting dog with its prey. But it doesn’t matter…it just doesn’t matter. Why? Because with that covering I received as a child of the most high, I become blameless in God’s sight. 

Revelation Chapter 11

This chapter is a reminder of God’s power and supremacy over darkness and evil. In the mists of the holy city being trampled, God called two witnesses to proclaim his Word to all the nations. He gave them awesome powers that were used to protect themselves. When their testimony was complete, they were killed. The people of the world celebrated their demise because the message of God tormented them. After three and a half days, God resurrected the witnesses and took them to heaven in front of the world. 

One of the most comforting aspects of the chapters like this is that God’s Word will continue to be proclaimed no matter what is happening in this world. Even in situations where it seems like the darkness has swallowed the light, and those far from God seem to rejoice over the suffering of His people.  Their victory is a façade, God is sovereign, and nothing will prevail against the Kingdom of God.

Revelation Chapter 10

Two things jump out at me in today's reading of Revelation chapter 10.

First, a reminder of the power of Almighty God. The visuals of Jesus descending from the heavens, clothed in clouds, rainbow over his head, legs like pillars of fire and a face like the sun. One foot planted on the ocean, one on the land and whose voice altogether roared like a lion, clapped like seven thunders and whispered like a dove. It's almost impossible to comprehend! However, this IS the God we serve. 

Mighty beyond measure, greater than all human understanding, more powerful than the mysteries of the universe and yet, intimate with his most beloved of all creation. His children. 

We can take great comfort in reminding ourselves of this today. No matter what you're facing this week… God IS bigger!

Second, I reflect on our desire to know prophesy, to get a glimpse of what’s to come in our lives. Most of us feel pleasure in looking into future events and receiving a word from God, and it most often brings comfort. However in this case what God revealed to the apostle, was a time to come of much suffering and pain for all of humanity as it turns away from God, and the effects are even felt in the earth. This foreknowledge turned the apostle's stomach sour as he was commissioned to go and prophesy of this destruction to the people, in hopes of turning hearts back to God.

Prophesy is good, understanding is good. May the things God reveals to us through prophesy draw us to our knees in prayer. May we have hearts that are soft to His teaching and may our souls be nourished by His love. 

Revelation Chapter 9

Revelation 9 can seem like a very scary chapter for many people. When I first read it I left feeling confused, unsure, and afraid. I have spent some time listening to others speak on Revelation and studying it for myself. There is a lot if information here. Essentially it is describing a being opening the gates of hell to run rampant on the world. To most people this is terrifying. This is scary and we do not want to read this chapter or share this chapter with other people. However, if you keep reading, the beasts from the Abyss were given power and they were told not to those who had the seal of God on their foreheads. First all I notice that God gave these beings power, which means He is still in control. Secondly, He commands them not to harm people who believe and love God. This is comforting to me because literally hell will be let lose but I will be kept safe because God commands it. God is judge here and he lets the evil beings freedom to do harm. I am not one to question God’s judgment but the thing that this chapter reveals the most to me is, grace. God is judge and it is hard to read about and hard to imagine but I am reminded that that same God is also full of grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness.

Revelation Chapter 8

Revelation 8:3-5

Then another angel with a gold incense burner came and stood at the altar. And a great amount of incense was given to him to mix with the prayers of God’s people as an offering on the gold altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, mixed with the prayers of God’s holy people, ascended up to God from the altar where the angel had poured them out. 5 Then the angel filled the incense burner with fire from the altar and threw it down upon the earth; and thunder crashed, lightning flashed, and there was a terrible earthquake.

This is one of the most vivid and profound images of the power of prayer.  It affirms the significance and effectiveness of prayer in both the natural and supernatural worlds.  When God’s people pray it moves God and His angels to act.  It causes things to be that would not have been.  It brings justice where there would have been continued injustice.  It brings healing where there would have been continued brokenness.  It brings sure hope where there would have been despair. 

What is frightening to me is the converse. If Christians don’t pray, then the bowls stay empty, and the power of God as it moves on earth is stayed or postponed. More personally speaking, if I don’t pray, then I allow the continuation of  sorrow, loss, pain, fear, anxiety, illness, hatred, greed, offense, etc., to reign in both my life, my wife and children’s lives, and on behalf of those the Spirit has called me to war in prayer.

 I encourage and challenge you to invoke the redeeming power of God and His Kingdom and “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere”(Ephesians 6:18).

Revelation Chapter 7

I once saw a painting that depicted the throne of God and before the throne was a group of people so vast that it was not practical to count. I remember the image of that painting capturing not just my gaze but my amazement. It really did get me thinking about what it will be like standing before El Shaddai, the Almighty God one day with all of His redeemed people. Even now, thinking about being in that vast crowd creates a sense of rich deep peace as well as joy in my soul, and brings a smile to my heart.

The whole book of Revelation brings a level of grandeur that is hard for my senses to take in. All of the heavenly scenes depicted and all that will happen is truly amazing.  

Here in Chapter 7, however, much of the text seems “a little” more understandable. Ok, the four angels work is a bit challenging, but the rest of the chapter conveys wonderful promises from our Abba Father, and His promises are worthy to trust and to firmly stand upon.

In verses 13 and 14 of Revelation chapter 7, we are given insight into this vast group of people who are standing in white robes before the throne waving palm branches, and from where did they come. The scriptures tell us that they are your friends and loved ones and all who have gone before us who have died in the Lord. Those who lived before Jesus and who had faith in God, and those who have died after Jesus' great sacrifice who claim His name as Savior and Lord. 

In verses 15 through 17 we are given wonderful promises that we will be protected and sheltered in God's presence. Our needs will be met as we are shepherded by Jesus himself, and we will have no more occasion or reason to cry as we dwell with God forever.  May it be so El Shaddai.  Amen

Revelation Chapter 6

“The wrath of the Lamb” (V16b). Now I’m just a city boy, but when I think of a lamb, the first thing I don’t think of is a lamb inflicting “wrath” and even if it did how much damage could a lamb do? But by the end of chapter 6 we read that the kings of the earth, the rulers, the generals, the wealthy, the powerful, and every slave and free person will hide themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, they will cry out to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb”

Why, why so scared, why are these people so worried about a “Lamb”? Because this Lamb, our Lamb is the only one in creation that has the Authority to open the seven seals, He is the only one worthy to judge the earth, not only for who He is, but what He has done. This Lamb, our Lamb is our Lord Jesus!

Chapter 6 is a time when no one wants to be on earth. Period. As each seal is broken the judgment of mankind on earth intensifies. My friend no matter where you stand on the "isms" be it Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, or Amillennialism you'll have to admit that as intense as it is that at this point in the future Gods judgment of man is just and righteous.

I love the book of Revelation!  I've studied these passages more than any other book of the Bible. One thing I know is that we are one day closer to Chapter 6, so my question to you is will you choose to hide and ask the mountains fall on you, or will you fall to your knees and give your life to the Living God? I pray that if you have never asked Jesus into your life that today is the day!